Color Eyedropper “Eyedropper...” in Color Menus The eyedropper may be selected from the COLOR menu for page backgrounds, text box backgrounds and text, or by pressing Command-Shift-E. (See New Key Commands below.) When selected, a movable dialog is displayed showing the current color along side the new color. The cursor will change to an eyedropper allowing color to be picked up from anywhere on the screen including windows of other programs. Using the Eyedropper Clicking anywhere on the screen will pick-up that color and instantly change the new color box in the eyedropper dialog. The mouse button may be held down as the cursor is dragged around the screen. The new color box in the eyedropper dialog will continually reflect the color the eyedropper is picking up. The selected color may be accepted by clicking “OK” or ignored by canceling out of the dialog.